Quarter Sheet flyer for #NoNewNAFTA:

Use this quarter sheet (double-sided) flyer in any #NoNewNAFTA action! Here is another format if the first one doesn’t work. Here is one final format that you can edit.

Hand out flyers at work, during rush hour, or at a busy location such as a town square or transit center. It is in google docs format. Print the flyer, front & back, and cut into quarter sheets. Email Mackenzie@PopularResistance.org if you need another format or want a version that you can edit for your local community.

For other handouts try printing out some of our visually striking memes to hand out.

Messages for Signs:

Here are a few sample messages that you can put on a sign. Also consider blowing up memes into signs.

Trump’s new NAFTA=More Lost Jobs, =More climate chaos, =More Expensive Medicines, =More Fracking, =More GMOs, =Attack on our Water, =Attack on Democracy, =Attack on Worker Rights, =Attack on Indigenous Rights, =Attack on Migrant Rights, =Attack on Healthcare, =Attack on Food Safety, =etc.

The original NAFTA suppressed labor rights/environmental protections/etc. USMCA is more of the same.

No Trumped up NAFTA!

NAFTA 2: Make Monsanto Great Again! (Substitute other evil corporations like Pfizer or Exxon Mobile).

NAFTA 2: Pfizer First! (Sub other evil corporations for another fun parody sign).

USMCA: Corporate Rights at the Expense of People and Planet.

USMCA: Trump’s Rebranding of NAFTA/TPP.

If USMCA was good for our communities it wouldn’t be negotiated in secret.

We need Trade for People and Planet, not Corporate Profits. No NAFTA 2.

Democracy not Corporatocracy. No New NAFTA.

←USMCA Democracy→ (see TPP picture below)

See the resources tab for more.